
Thursday, December 22, 2011

Only 23 1/2 Hours Per Day

I came across this excellent video, made by Dr. Mike Evans, about exercises and disease.

This really is so easy. Humans are built to move. So the question is, "Can you limit your sitting and sleeping to just 23 1/2 hours per day?"

Just Move,


Lorimer Moseley - Why Things Hurt

     If you have followed this blog for any amount of time the name Lorimer Moseley is probably somewhat familiar. Lorimer is a clinical neuroscientist with a physical therapy background. Lorimer is currently working for the University of South Australia and you can follow his work on his website here. Lorimer, together with his team of researchers are seeking a better understanding of the interaction between the body, brain and mind in chronic and complex pain disorders.

     Recently Lorimer was selected to give a TEDx presentation about pain and it did not disappoint. To my knowledge, Lorimer is the first and only physical therapist to be selected to give a TED presentation, and I think he does an excellent job representing our field and educating the public how pain works.

